10 Years of Mining Expertise

Crypto Miner
hosting DataCenters


Crypto Miner Hosting Service Categories

ASIC Colocation

ASIC Miner Colocation

GPU Colocation

GPU miner colocation

Immersion Colocation

immersion crypto hosting
Enterprise Data Center in Medina


Miner hosting, engineered by enterprise Data Center experts

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Customer Reviews

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Richard Trudeau


THE most honest and reputable hosting company available! Quick response time to questions and consistently shows a genuine caring for their clients! I never have been dissatisfied with the quality of service and never had an issue with uptime!

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Resit Melik


Incredible experience. I dont know Joshua or anyone from his team but i reached out to him to ask if he can provide a home for my machine. He just gave me the address and less than 24 hours my miner arrived, it was up and running. I really appreciate it!

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Jim A. (Kenning)


We host a lot of equipment with MegaVolt and they have gone above and beyond to ensure everything is up and running smoothly. Submit a ticket, its gets looked at, fixed, and follow-ups after to ensure we are happy . If something isn’t right, they make sure it gets corrected. 

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